Outstanding physicist. Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor. Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Academician of Higher School of Ukraine.
Born 18.08.1945 p. In. Poltava. He graduated from the Physics Department at KSU them. Shevchenko (1967) and graduate of the Faculty (1970). Since working at the Physics Department of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University in various capacities; from 1990 – Head of Department of Molecular Physics; in 1990 – 2007 GG – Dean of the Faculty of Physics.
Thesis “Investigation of ethane near the critical point of liquid-vapor using slow neutrons” (1980), Doctor – “Neutron study equilibrium and kinetic properties of liquids” (1989). Professor (since 1989).
He created the scientific school of neutron spectroscopy of condensed matter. The main areas of research: physics of liquids, physics of phase transitions and critical phenomena, neutron spectroscopy Condensed, medical physics.
He trained 40 candidates and 10 doctors of physical and mathematical sciences. His students work in leading scientific institutions of Ukraine, Russia, USA, Germany, France, Canada and so on.
Author of over 600 scientific publications, including 25 books and monographs, including “Neytronnыe Studies dynamics fluid” (1979), “Fundamentals of physics of water” (1991, co-authored), “Physics: Tasks and tests” (in two parts , 1993), “Critical properties of liquids” (2002), “Nuclear Physics” (2002, co-author.) “Critical properties of polymer solutions” (2003, co-author.) “Fundamentals of thermodynamics” (2004, co-author). “physics of ultrasound diagnostics in medicine” (2004, co-author.) “Kvazipruzhnye neutron scattering in liquids” (2004, co-author.) “physics of polymers” (2004, co-author.) “Philosophical and methodological aspects of modern physics “(2005, co-author.)” neutron spectroscopy of condensed matter “(2005, co-author.)” Nuclear Physics “(2005, co-author.)” neutron optics mezorozminnyh liquids “(2006, co-author).” Physics of liquids and liquid systems “(2006, co-author.)” Molecular Physics “(2006, co-author.),« Ultrasonic diagnostics in medicine »(2007, at al.),” The impact of radiation on the physical properties of liquids “( 2008, at al.), “The transition metal in non-metal ion-electron liquid” (2008), “Physics of ion-electron liquids. Textbook”. (2008), “The critical state of matter in gravitational field of the Earth.” (2008), “Dynamics of molecules in a fluid.” (2009), “Radiation Physics. Handbook “(2010),” Critical phenomena in ion-electron solutions “(2010),” Mathematical models of growth of cancer “(2010),” nano neutron diffraction. ” (UNESCO Encyclopedia “Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”) (2010), a textbook “Physics of Phase Transitions (2010), a textbook” Medical Physics “(2011) and others.
Head of the Specialized Scientific Council for doctoral theses (since 1992). Member of the Scientific and Methodological Council on Physics Education of Ukraine (chairman of the board in 1994 – 2007). Member of software and advisory committee. Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (m. Dubna, Russia, in 1992). A member of the editorial boards of “Ukrainian Journal of Physics” (1994), “Ukrainian Antarctic Journal” (1997), «Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy» (2001). The Chairman of the Organizing Committee of seven international scientific conference on physics of liquids ( «Physicsog Liquid Matter: Modern Problems», 1995, 1998, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2010).
Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2006). Member of the Association of Deans of Europe (1992) and Ukrainian (1990) and American (1991) Physical Society. Honorary Professor of Kyzylorda University. Korkyt Ata (Kazakhstan) (2007). Soros Professor (1996).
Honored Scientist of Ukraine (2003). Order “For Merit” III degree (2004). Order “For Merit” second degree (2009). Yaroslav the Wise Award for significant product in science and technology (2002).
Vice-president of the Higher School of Ukraine (1999-2002 years).
Aud. 221
Tel. 5262427
E-mail: bulavin221 at gmail.com
URL: https://sites.google.com/site/leonidbulavin/
ResearchGate: Leonid Bulavin
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