About the Molecular Physics Department

    Department of Molecular Physics, founded in 1952 (see further. History). Its founder and first head was Alexander Z. Golik (see. Personalities), Rector of the State University. TH Shevchenko, Honored Worker of Science, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor. At the time of the department were put to the task of training the specialization “Molecular Physics” and developing one of the topical issues of this section of modern fundamental physics – the physics of the liquid state of matter. In 1980 the department was headed by Doctor of Sciences, Professor Yuri I. Szymanski (see. Personalities). Since 1990, the Department of Molecular Physics controls Bulavin Leonid A. (See. Personalities), Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor.


Currently, the department has a highly qualified staff (see. Personalities) and academic staff, including five doctors of physical and mathematical sciences, professors. The Department has sixteen researcher, head of academic laboratories and four teaching staff and support staff all researchers are candidates Mathematics Physical Sciences). Powered by the department and fourteen doctoral students and graduate students. In addition to full-time lecturer in educational process involves part-pohodynnykiv professors and consultants. Teachers are involved as Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University and leading research institutions of NAS of Ukraine, Academician, Dr. Sci. VF Chekhun (Director of the Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology. RE Kavetsky NASU), member. NAPS, Dr. Sci. Chaly OV (Chair of Medical and Biological Physics of the National Medical University. Bogomolets), Dr. Sci. Klepko V. (Deputy Director of Research of the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry NAS), Dr. Sci. Grechko LG (Institute of Surface Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences), Dr. Sci. Lebovka MI (Institute of Chemistry Biocolloidal. FD Ovcharenko National Academy of Sciences, and others.

The department has two teaching specialization “Molecular Physics” and “Medical Physics” (see. “Medical Physics”) learn about the sixtieth year students. Education students (see. Teaching work) naturally combined with scientific basic research of molecular processes in liquid, polymer, biomedical and nanosystems (see. Scientific work).

The Department of Molecular Physics Professor Golik O.Z in 1952 was founded, subsequently formed, grown and strengthened scientific school of fundamental scientific direction in physics of liquids, polymers and phase transitions in them. A significant contribution to the development of scientific school made her supervisor now – Bulavin Leonid Anatolievich, NAS of Ukraine, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor, who created the scientific school of neutron spectroscopy of condensed matter.

Main research areas of the school:

  • optical and neutron studies of phase transitions and critical phenomena in liquids, liquid solutions and heterogeneous systems;
  • acoustic spectroscopy of liquid homogeneous and heterogeneous systems in a wide range of thermodynamic parameters;
  • study the equation of state of a wide class of liquid systems by PVT measurements, acoustic and rheological methods;
  • properties of liquids in small quantities; neutron research sol-helyevyh transitions and biological membranes
  • propagation of electromagnetic radiation, neutron and acoustic waves in spatially inhomogeneous, variable time systems (dispersion, aerodispersive, fractal, etc.);
  • study the physical properties of composite polymers;
  • study equilibrium and kinetic properties of biomedical systems, structural and dynamic properties of specific objects liquid medium human methods of acoustic and optical spectroscopy, thermodynamic method, neutron spectroscopy.
  • the research conducted and conducted by staff of the Department, are known to the world scientific community. The department is the organizer of international conferences of the modern problems of physics liquid state «Physics of Liquid Matter: Modern Problems (PLMMP)» (2001, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2010) (see. Http://plmmp.org. ua /)

The closest scientific relations department with many foreign scientific and higher educational institutions (including Oak Ridge national laboratory (USA) Instytuomt Laue-Langevin (m.Hrenobl, France), a research center GKSS (m. Hesthaht, Germany), Central Institute of physical research (Budapest, Hungary); York University (Canada), the Scientific Institute. H.Veytsmana (Israel), University of Bremen (m. Bremen, Germany), Strasburzskym universytetom / UDS (France) and so on.) can enforce the basic ideas of the Bologna Declaration on the important role of training scientific staff to create a single European scientific and educational space.

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